"You Suddenly Lose Everything...

Your Money... Your Name... Your Reputation...

You Have Bills Piled High, and People Harassing You On The Phone...

And All You Have Left Is Your ClickFunnels Account...

What Would You Do From Day 1 To Day 30 To Save Yourself...?"

Immigrant with $4700 to Multi-Millionaire in 5 Years.

Anyone Can Do If You Go For it!

Follow my plan, meet the millionaire people

who helped me along the way, and let’s do it together!

Sept 29-Oct 1st

Las Vegas



"What Would You Do From Day 1 To Day 30 To Save Yourself...?"

Everyone can be a Millionaire but most Wont!

Whether you were born in America or an immigrant to America, we all have the same 24 hours. I am blessed to now be a very successful entrepreneur, investor, and multi-millionaire. I didn’t do it over night because there is no such thing. But I did it, and I made a promise to my mentors and myself that one day I would share everything with everyone who helped along the way.

Multi-Millionaire in 5 year Plan....

At this Event you will learn...

The Strategy: Step by step, how I became a multi-millionaire in 5 years. Every mistake, every decision, and every success along the way.

The People: Success is not a journey you take yourself. So I am bringing my network, friends, partners, vendors, suppliers, and strategic alliances. Whoever I know, you will know.

Millionaire Speakers: The best way to learn is from people who did it yesterday, today, and will keep doing it tomorrow. Learn from them and do business with them.

We are not re-inventing the wheel, you are just copying it!

What You Will Learn....

Marketing Mastery: Learn the ins and outs of effective marketing. From crafting compelling messages to reaching your target audience, we'll cover the strategies that make brands resonate and businesses thrive, but more importantly, convert.

Branding Brilliance: Understand how to create and sustain a brand that stands out. Dive into brand positioning, identity, and the art of storytelling that connects, captivates and converts

Strategic Success: Navigate the complex landscape of business with confidence. We'll explore planning, execution, and optimization to turn challenges into opportunities. You are one decision away from everything changing and 1 mistake away away from

setting you back years.

Real Estate Riches: Learn how I do real estate investment. Whether you're a novice or seasoned investor, you'll gain insights into buying, selling, and managing properties for maximum profit in today's very confused market.

Buying & Selling Businesses: Learn the Art of Acquiring and Offloading Businesses We'll guide you through valuation, negotiation, and seamless transitions.

Scaling from Zero to Billions: Adam Coffey will cover ways any business can have explosive growth. Learn how to scale your business, foster innovation, and scale through unit level economics.

Mindset Makeover: Embrace a mindset geared for success. We'll delve into techniques to foster power, positivity, resilience, and a winning attitude that can conquer any obstacle. Remember, Nothing is impossible as long as you take action.

Immediate Income Creation: Explore actionable strategies to generate income quickly. Whether through investments, side hustles, or new ventures, we'll show you how to make money work for you.

Hedging, Diversifying & Growing Your Net Worth: This is a financial strategies used by the best of the best. Learn how to protect, diversify, and grow your wealth, building a solid financial foundation for the future. Its not how much money you keep.

Why You Should Join Us in Las Vegas for This Life-Changing Experience...

Once in a lifetime Opportunities: Whether you're a budding entrepreneur, an established business owner, or someone simply looking to redefine their financial future, this event will provide you with the tools and insights to make your dreams a reality, but you have to show up; if not, it will only be a dream.

Learn from Success Stories: Hear firsthand from an immigrant who started with just $4700 and reached multi-millionaire status in just 5 years. Be inspired by real-life success

stories and understand the steps you can take to emulate them.

Access to Millionaire Mentors: Network with and learn directly from the millionaire minds who have shaped industries and paved the way for success. This unparalleled access toWisdom, guidance, and mentorship could be the catalyst for your

financial breakthrough.

Millionaire Skill Development: From mastering marketing and branding to understanding real estate investments, buying and selling businesses, and more – this event offers a complete

and holistic education for your financial growth.

Mindset Transformation: Go beyond mere tactics and strategies; dive deep into the psychological aspects of success. Learn to foster a winning mindset that can guide you through

challenges and elevate your personal and professional life.

Immediate Action Plan: Leave with a concrete and personalized plan to start building your wealth. Gain actionable strategies that can be applied right away, whether you aim to scale from zero to billions or increase your financial net worth.

Inclusive and Collaborative Environment: This event is built on the belief that anyone can achieve greatness if they go for it. Be part of a supportive community that believes in collaboration and shared success.

Limited Access Experience: With exclusive content, hands-on workshops, and limited VIP opportunities, this event promises a unique and intimate learning experience. Don't miss out on this rare chance to be part of something extraordinary.

Investment in Yourself: Your ticket to this event is more than just access to a conference; it's an investment in your future. The skills, connections, and insights gained here have the potential to transform your life in ways you never thought possible.

Join us, and take the decisive step towards a life of success, results, fulfillment, and success. This isn't just an event; it's a turning point, a launching pad for greatness. Your path to becoming a multi-millionaire starts here.

Wealth Flow Conference


Let me introduce you to the speakers

Purchase Tickets Now!


  • General seating

  • VIP Wealth Swag Bag with goodies

  • Refreshments


  • Advantage seating

  • Michael Jackson ONE

  • Only 20 Tickets Available!

  • VVIP Wealth Swag Bag with more goodies!

  • Refreshments


  • Gold seating

  • Motivational Book

  • Gold Wealth Swag Bag with even more goodies!

  • Lunch on conference days

  • Network Pass

  • Dinner with The Black Mentor

  • Access to Michael Jackson Show

  • Picture with Selected Speakers


  • Diamond Seating
    (Near Stage)

  • Motivational Book

  • Diamond Wealth Swag Bag with even more goodies!

  • Lunch on conference days

  • Network Pass

  • Dinner with The Black Mentor and Celebrities

  • After Party

  • Photo with Celebrities and Speaker

Stream for $ 99

Stream the Wealth Flow Conference

Live on September 29th to October 1st

Don't miss out this once in a lifetime opportunity to learn from various industry leaders!

Meet Dr. Joseph Nantomah

Dr. Joseph Nantomah has become a notable and sought-after millionaire investor from Africa. In 2016, Dr. Nantomah and his family emigrated from Africa to Wisconsin with just $4,700. With hard work, grit, and dedication, Dr. Nantomah successfully built a real estate portfolio currently valued at over $23 million-and counting! Dr. Nantomah also owns and operates almost 20 businesses.

Dr. Nantomah has impacted the lives of more than 500,000 people through his brands and philanthropic endeavors. During the pandemic, Dr. Nantomah’s foundation fed over 25,000 people in Africa. Throughout his career, Dr. Nantomah has received awards and accolades and has been recognized worldwide for his outstanding leadership and commitment to those he serves.

Dr. Joseph Nantomah has become a notable and sought-after millionaire investor from Africa. In 2016, Dr. Nantomah and his family emigrated from Africa to Wisconsin with just $4,700. With hard work, grit, and dedication, Dr. Nantomah successfully built a real estate portfolio currently valued at over $23 million-and counting! Dr. Nantomah also owns and operates almost 20 businesses.

Dr. Nantomah has impacted the lives of more than 500,000 people through his brands and philanthropic endeavors. During the pandemic, Dr. Nantomah’s foundation fed over 25,000 people in Africa. Throughout his career, Dr. Nantomah has received awards and accolades and has been recognized worldwide for his outstanding leadership and commitment to those he serves.